Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We are the Benevolent Offering

God has made a way for each one of us to come on this trip. He's provided the resources, He's proven faithful in the sacrifices, He's worked out our work/school schedules, and He's called us to be here.

This was something that Jim said (paraphrased) as we sat at Capernaum and took communion as a group. CAPERNAUM; where Jesus performed many miracles, where He lived for his public ministry, where Peter triumphantly asked "where else would we go?" And all this while sitting and looking out across the Sea of Galilee under a big, beautiful, lush tree. This moment provided life-giving and powerful truth in each of our lives.

It has truly been a blessing beyond words to be in the presence of the Lord here in Israel. Many of us need time to process all that we've learned and it's only been one day of touring!

We started on the Sea of Galilee, traveled next to the Primacy of Peter - where God established Peter as a true follower of him, and then climbed the mountain where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. We took a fun lunch break at a local restaurant where they served delicious fish straight from the Sea of Galilee that stared back at us and kabob made from a lamb and beef mixture. We then went to Peter, Andrew, and Phillip's birth place of Bethsaida and site of the feeding of the 5000, followed by the Jordan River, and ending in Capernaum. It has been a whirlwind of a day, all while fighting a little bit of jet lag, but God has gotten the glory.

The richness of every single one of these sites is overwhelming and incredible. The connections and themes in Scripture that God has shown Pastor Jim have been invaluable as we study, learn, and experience Him in this place.

Blessings to all of you back home. We love you and, again, we can't thank you enough for your prayers!

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

On the Sea of Galilee - tour by boat 

The beautiful sunshine and the wake of the boat

Studying the primacy of Peter and just starting the connections and how God has a bigger and more beautiful plan than any of us could ever imagine! 

Susan, Emily, Shelly, Katie, Patti, Joyce, and Susan on the Mt of Beatitudes

Where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount

Tom - playing with his food 

One of the excavated houses from Bethsaida 

This is the Jordan River! 

Studying and listening to Pastor Jim sitting in the remains of a synagogue in Capernaum 

Peter's (and Jesus') house in Capernaum 

Waiting for communion to begin 

A beautiful sunset after an amazing day!! 


  1. WOW! That is awesome and I'm so glad that everything has gone smoothly and that you are learning a lot already! Looks (and sounds) like so much fun! :)
    Continued prayers and blessings,
    Alyssa :)

  2. Thank you for the updates. I'm walking with you each step on your journey with prayers.

  3. OH!!! Love the photos-- drinking in every word and so excited to hear more!! Enjoy every moment my dear friends!!
    Jill Herweyer
