Monday, February 3, 2014

Hello Israel!!

We have made it to Israel and what a great time we've had so far!!

No major complications, no one has been lost, all suitcases are accounted for, and only a little turbulence on the flight over...ok, there was a little more than a little, but overall God has blessed the trip already!

We've gotten to spend a lot of time with each other hearing different stories and sharing the excitement together. We praise the Lord that Arika and Stephanie made it safely from Zambia and France respectively. We have met our tour guide and bus driver who we'll be spending the week with. We've gotten settled into our first hotel (Ein Gev Kibbutz) and are making ourselves comfortable for a good night's rest.

We are excited to begin our day tomorrow, bright and early, by the Sea of Galilee --- AMAZING!!

Thank you for your prayers for our journey over here, they are greatly appreciated.


  1. Oh how I wish I could have gone with you all this time!! I'll be with you in spirit and praying for your time with each other and the Lord! Love~Valerie

  2. Praise the Lord for safe travels!! We are praying for all of you, and will continue throughout the week. Much love to all of you--the Snoeyink family

  3. So glad to hear Jim is feeling better. I am praying for your trip north today. Gods richest blessings.
