Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Battle is the Lord's!

Whatever you're facing, whatever Satan has put up against you, GOD is stronger. He is bigger. He is searching and blessing those with hearts that completely trust in Him! Just like David when he looked upon, from human perspective, something too strong and unbeatable and realized he had God, we too should realize that God can intervene. He looked at David and found his heart to be true, a man of devotion and complete confidence in the Lord and His power. We must cultivate a heart such as his. We must know that without a shadow of a doubt, God reigns in all majesty and can defeat the forces of darkness that invade and threaten to overtake.

Or take Mary, a woman called to see to completion an impossible task in mothering the true Messiah. She withstood inordinate amounts of social pressure, left behind the plans she had made for herself years before that angel appeared to her, and lived with the foreboding realization of extreme suffering. Yet she did not falter, she did not question, she looked upon the Lord for His strength and realized that she was a blessed woman BECAUSE of our great God and His ability to conquer all these things.

No matter what kinds of spiritual battles you're up against, if you have a heart fully devoted to God and not based on human strength and spirit, you can remember and say to your foe, "...the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the LORD's and He will give you into our hands (1 Samuel 17:47b).

Today, this is what we heard and proclaimed. We are the Lord's and He WILL win the battle if we have hearts that He can see are true to Him and Him alone!

We started our day in Bethlehem where we did a bit of shopping, and then went to see the birthplace of Jesus, now the site of an ornate and beautiful church. We proceeded to the field of the Shepherds where we learned what it takes to be a good shepherd to a herd of sheep and the parallels of the Lord as our Good Shepherd and then we went to lunch.

After lunch we went to an overlook that provided a bird's eye view of the Elah Valley where the story of David and Goliath took place, we heard another amazing teaching and remembered that the battle is the LORD'S!

Finally, we made our way to Ein Karem where Mary visited her cousin, Elizabeth while she was pregnant with Jesus and where she recited the Magnificat and recognized herself blessed.  We heard a fantastic perspective of Mary from Lisa and we were all touched in the knowledge of what Mary had to go through being the mother of Jesus, the Lord, Savior and TRUE Messiah, but how God was faithful and loving toward her.

God has been present with us in innumerable ways and for that we are not only thankful for His provision, but thankful for the many who have prayed and are praying for us back at home. Your prayers are working. We are all healthy, we are being refreshed and renewed, and we have been safe thus far in our journeys. We are so grateful for all of you!! You are beautiful, shining examples of our Savior.

Highlights in pictures from day five:

Cindy soaking in the sun and the memories of what God has given her in this place 

The Church of the Nativity

Waiting to go see the birthplace of Jesus

It is believed that this is near the place where Jesus was born - by that star

Angela, Katie, Carla, and Emily waiting for our bus to arrive

Susan, Cindy, Shelly, Stephanie, and Cindy waiting for our bus

In a cave where Shepherds went with their flocks

Kathy emerging from the cave

Overlooking the Elah Valley where the Lord overcame evil!

Finding stones in the once brook where David found his 5 stones

Ein Karem - where Mary visited Elizabeth

The Magnificat in many, many languages

The beautiful church in Ein Karem

Thanks again for following with us!

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